Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What This Blog Is About

If you have found this blog, Congratulations! I'm sure it wasn't easy to find, but when you're a mother, like myself, sometimes we find crazy things when we're doing crazy Google searchs about things that could be wrong with our new born baby.

Now, we all know (well, we all SHOULD know by now) what it took to make that beautiful baby we hold in our arms every day, correct? And maybe for some of you, it was hot and heavy from day one. You and your man just could not get enough of each other. Others of you may have been more calculated. Working really hard on choosing the proper day to do the infamous baby dance and making sure to do it right. And some of you had a little more trouble and had to turn to drs to get that little bundle of joy in your hands. Then there are the few that maybe just had a one night stand and had a...dare I say it.. "oopsie"? And I'm sure there are the select few of you that are in your glorified teen years.

No matter which way you did the baby dancing, you are now a mother. The best title one could ever ask for...if you ask me ;)

Well, now that it is all said and done. And that precious baby is here, things in the bedroom just may not be the same. Whether in a good way or for some of us, not so good way. Whether it's you or even him, some of us mothers are NOT having sex. Hard to believe?? Sure, for some of you. The ones who just couldn't wait the 6 recommended weeks to recover from delivery to get it on with their man. (or woman. whatever floats your battleship, ladies) For you woman, kudos. 6 weeks after delivery, having sex was the LAST thing on this mama's mind.

I've decided to start this blog just because I know there are other woman out there who are not having sex with their loved one. Whether by choice or not. I am not having sex, and it is definately NOT by choice. For whatever reason it may be, my man has completely turned down any advances that I have made when it comes to being sexual. Since our blessed baby boy number two has been born, we have had sex once. Yes. Once. Valentine's Day. Wow.....isn't that just f*ckin' special. Now I'm sure many of you are screaming "HE'S CHEATING! HE'S CHEATING!" Trust me. My mind has screamed this many times before too. But he's not cheating. He's depressed. Since I've met him, and the 4 1/2 years that we've been together, he has gained a significant amount of weight. (somewhere in the range of....oohh, 40-50 pounds?) And also since I've met him, his family, for whatever reason, has decided to become a group of runners. I, myself, have even jumped on the bandwagon of running, but my man refuses to do any running of the sort. He actually refuses to workout. AT. ALL.

Now, do not get me wrong. I love him. I love him with all my heart. The man has given me two adorable young boys, and I can never thank him enough for them. I just want what is best for him. I want him to lose the weight. He is doing nothing but hurting his body. (He is 5'7" if I hadn't mentioned this already) I also think that an active sex life (with me, of course) would really help improve his over all health. But who am I kidding? I'm talking to one really stubburn ass man who just refuses to do anything that may involve "work".

Now that I am done with my rantings. This blog will the a log of a daily...or weekly activity of my sex life. Or lack there to speak. As I have said before. I know there are other woman out there who have either lost their sex drive all together or have such a high sex drive, their man can't keep up.

I hope to connect with many woman out there. Please enjoy!

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